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Restoring and preserving your cedar mailbox and post

It’s time to spruce up your cedar mailbox and post!

It is important to maintain your cedar mailbox to keep it looking nice for many years.  Here is a simple way to restore and maintain your Wilray Designs cedar mailbox and post with very little effort.  Purchase a product at the hardware store called Spray&Forget.  Spray your mailbox and post liberally and leave it alone to dry.  Your mailbox will begin to get clean over the next few weeks.  If, after a few weeks, your mailbox is still not clean, simply reapply Spray&Forget.    After a few weeks you can reseal and restore your cedar mailbox and post with Thompson’s Water Seal Timber oil-transparent cedar, found at Home Depot or most hardware or home supply stores.   Doing this once a year will help you to keep your mailbox looking good for years.